Romare Bearden Park



What is the first word that enters your mind when you hear, "1-year-old Chocolate Lab puppy"?

Well, if you're me, it's FUN!!!!!

Then what do you do when you find out her name is Spaghetti?!?

Ummmm...head explosion!

That's about what happened to me when Spaghetti's session was officially booked! It was really happening! That day seriously couldn't come fast enough... (click on the image above to continue reading)

Blog Challenge #2

Blog Challenge #2

It's that time of the month again! Blog Challenge time! Woohoo!

This month's blog challenge was based on LIGHT. So, sadly, if you are in the Charlotte area, you know that we haven't had the greatest month as far a lighting goes. It's been rainy, cloudy, icy, and snowy. Oh, and did I mention cold? Yeah. Not the best for going out and taking pictures.

However, I did manage to put together a Wee World for ya. Now, this happened on a trip home from Ikea (surprise!). The clouds were moving out of the city just as...(click the image above to keep reading)