Blog Challenge #2

It's that time of the month again! Blog Challenge time! Woohoo!

This month's blog challenge was based on LIGHT. So, sadly, if you are in the Charlotte area, you know that we haven't had the greatest month as far a lighting goes. It's been rainy, cloudy, icy, and snowy. Oh, and did I mention cold? Yeah. Not the best for going out and taking pictures.

However, I did manage to put together a Wee World for ya. Now, this happened on a trip home from Ikea (surprise!). The clouds were moving out of the city just as I was taking the ramp from I-77 onto I-277. The sun was peaking out just a little as I rounded the corner and the city was lit in a lovely blue, even light. I freaked! I turned to my husband and said, "We have to go home, grab the camera, and get out to a skyline view to make a Wee World. Stat." The sun was going fast and there was no time to grab the dogs (so I don't have a model in there for you). Boo. Either way, it was almost dark, my hands were frozen, but the lighting on the city was almost magical to me.

So here is my take on LIGHT. Hopefully I can get a dog model in there for you next month. ;)

Want to see how other photogs approached this monthly challenge? Check out Holly's (with BrindleBerry Custom Pet Photography) fabulous interpretation of "light" HERE.